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Saturday, October 31, 2009 @ 6:37 PM

Kays. Ive removed the navigation for the tee one.
Somehow I find it pointless putting it there.
Only some would go view.
Others would say okay okay, but never view.
Pointless aye?

But if want tee I'll still go order -.-
Pointless & waste of time.


Class tee!
Thursday, October 29, 2009 @ 11:28 PM

6persistence! (:
Am here to talk about Class Tee x-x Since its been so so so so so long since the topic started already!
Heres some informations Ive found.

I would be using Polo Tees as Class tee if you guys wants it.
Available tee colours are ; Black, White and Light Pink.
Font ; Century gothic, Arial, Tahoma, Courier, Georgia & Verdana .

Printings ; $14 for one side, $18 for two sides.
What it meant should be the front and back.
double sided, the smaller picture is the front and the bigger picture is the back.

Sizes for tees; (Guy sizes additional $3!)
Lady size - size 34 - 17 inches across breastline,20 inches down
Lady size - size 36 - 18 inches across breastline, 22.5 inches down
Lady size - size 38 - 19 inches across breastline, 24.5 inches down

Dont laugh cause theres the word breast -.- not funny aye.

Guy size - M - 20 inches across breastline, 25 inches down
Guy size - L - 21 inches across breastline, 28 inches down
Guy size - XL - 22 inches across breastline; 29 inches down

Some pictures of polo tees ;

Colours available for the picture/icon ;
-> neon pink.
-> striking white.
-> metallic gold.
-> metallic silver.
-> neon orange.
-> neon green.
-> flame red.
-> sky blue.
-> black.
-> apple green.
-> royal purple.

Choose ;
Tee colour.
Icon/Picture. (With code written)
Icon/Picture colour.
Write them in >> Class tee navigation.

Kays. Im also confused -.-
I'll try to understand it.

Xenna's (L).

Ceramic (:
Wednesday, October 28, 2009 @ 2:29 PM

:D Ceramics' work of our pupils! Bravo :D
Laughhs. (: Well, Im ahead of Yingxuan ;x
She wanted to post luh >:} Laugh die.
Kay lah, sorry bor ): ! LOL.
Laughhdie. Kays ! Toodles for now (:

Lubs :D
Monday, October 26, 2009 @ 9:35 PM

Glad that those guys who went for Bowling had fun.
Pity that I didnt go (: Last minute, stomach ached again. Sad enough.
Hmmm, hopefully we'll continue to have outings.
More and much more. :D
Blahhblahhblacksheep :X

Ending this short post.

Sunday, October 25, 2009 @ 7:12 PM

Edited something in our class blog!!((:

edited the thing on top in the page of DISCLAIMER!

&& i think our class blog the song i listen le become my ear very pain

so i edited the songs too!!((:

lols!!((((((: ROFL!!((:

!!((: good byes


; yingxuan
Wednesday, October 21, 2009 @ 1:27 PM

our pupils' work are out!
friday's art lesson works.i manage to take a total of twelve different
pieces of art from our pupils!
so sad, not everyone's are here =[
but just to share...

yangnan's heart was melted and veryvery
spoiled. sadsad.

taijian's dragon was spolied by th windy weather time and again.
but thanks to abbie, its back to normal!


can see daren's?
it is on top of his bag.
can camouflage lorh.
his pattern is copied by our fellow classmates
as it is a easy pattern that everyone loves~

vannessa's :D

this is kelvin's and vivian's.
yah, kelvin's one is very cute.
but too bad that it is very fragile.
and it has lost two of its hands =[




yingxuan's =]

also his ><
not fair! he got two XD
hahas, happy browsing at th art works
that our pupils had produced.
and soory for me not updateing for ages.
i was veryvery lazy to update cans?
my blog got alotalot of pictures to upload so no time to care about class blog's
thousand apologies if pupils have been lacking of entertainment from this blog
anyway, pupils!
its a one week holiday, what plans do you have?
&& MrGomez!!!!
yangnan yesterday take plane back to China already.
she will be back on...
she ask me don't want tell XD
she wants to give you all surprise :D
anyway, her mother gave me her leave slip to me this morning.
will pass it to you when school reopens =]
okays, enough of my craps...
Enjoy your holidays!
l-oves; YingXuan :D