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Im sorry guys.
Sunday, November 7, 2010 @ 9:11 PM

Hey guys! Im really sorry for neglecting our class blog for these period of time.
& I know that it has been long since our last post right here right? :)
Lets see... 2 months. It's been 2 months, exactly 2 months.
I know it's been so long since this blog had new post, but Im really making this quite short.
Because I dont really have the time right now.
But still I intended to revive this blog, even if it's a short post.

So, any people missed me? Or rather, us? :)
Lots of stuffs happened, hmmmm, did you guys had a few experiences too?
PSLE ended, let's hope 2010 batch did well ya! All the best man! :D
It seems like it's harder than last year, boo!
It's a really sad thing for the 2010 batch! Haha.

I have the very urge to change this blogskin of ours.
Anybody supporting me?! Haha.
But I wont change blogskin so early yet ya. :)
Because I really dont have time, probably the next few days k.
I promise I'll find one decent one and change the blogskin, ok? :P

I guess our dear chicky, Kelvin, had promised us that he'll organise a class outing right?!
Yaya, look forward to it ok! I'll remind him about this soon, :)
And I'll get him to organise real quick!
Because I might not be around for December. Hehe.
For those who are intending to go overseas, hope you have a great time there!
And bless your whole trip and come back safely alright, :D

Hope everyone did well in our EOYs this year, and that everyone promoted up to Sec2 k!
All the best for us next year since it's the streaming year.
I guess I'll end here, goodbye fellow mates.

Loves, Abbie. ^-^