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Saturday, July 4, 2009 @ 10:39 AM

don't say im not posting ok :X
watever, it a long weekend tis week ok
i bet everyone is tired after our
first week of term3 is over, as
i am, i slept at 10 yesterday ok, damn tired i tel you -.-
just a reminder to my dear classmates, takecare and sleep
well everyday, cus you
cannot fall sick at this point of time.
PSLE is comming and you cannot afford to fall sick ok.
joan says she wan to have high fever but don't
wan to have H1N1 -.-
but she would be in the risk of having H1N1 lah.
cus don't hav good health, idk how to
elaborate luh ==
my english not that good ok,
ending th post liaos, byes =]