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Hello & bye :B
Friday, July 3, 2009 @ 8:31 PM

Hello 6per(:
I knw thrs alot of complains bout Ms Choo(:
And yeahhh,
I hate it too -.-
When Kelvin was just saying tht (donno wht alr) , ps forgotten.
She said dont anyhow accuse her class.
Okay uh.
Thn today, she accused us.
We didn't even move the books luh.

Anw, buck up on our studies kay!
Prelims coming up soon(:
The 9th week,

Yipeee, Monday no school.
Everyone happy right?
Im sure :B
But those nt happy is tht at home nth to do.
Thn revise or find something to do? :D

- P/s.
Maybe some of you are wondering why my blog privated,
who are invited?
Who can read it?
Nahh, nbdy.
This is the tempo blog.
I mean thrs only a tagboard.
I want tag @_@
So let people tag, LOL :B
Jk luh, feel free to tag.
I also dk why put one tagboard thr.
Wanted to, so..
Tag uh! :B

Will put my blog back to un-private, just let me cont. thinking kay?
Like wei jie said,
let natural take its place.

Or whtever it is,
Ive forgotten the phrase alr :x

Byes 6per♥