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Friday, July 31, 2009 @ 4:19 PM

Hi posting, nothing to do .

hey ho ! (:
Thursday, July 30, 2009 @ 10:13 PM

made a picture link for class blog! :D

Code ; [a href=""][img border="0" src=""][/a]

Note ; replace [ ] as < > !

picture link made by yingxuan! :D

Code ; [a href=""][img border="0" src=""][/a]

Note ; replace [ ] as < > !

thats all for me today ! :D

Seeyous students! (:

; luvs, abbie.

Ying Xuan is posting! :D
Monday, July 27, 2009 @ 12:52 PM


class photo taken at hall :)


now it includes those who wear uniform =]


one lined 6persistence ;girls on the left, boys on the right :D


happy family =]


vivian and sarah chatting and making cranes


Charel dunno talking to who ==


GiGi and Lyni! :)


Vannessa and Abbie ^^


Danielle and Nathalie :]


Gilbert and JunYan making cranes happily :))


Arjay and TaiJian the two jokers make cranes till tired meh? XD


i was wondering why XuanLiang had to look at YingRui like this =.= can somemone explain X:
anyway, Nizam and Syahmi are working very seriously =]


last picture im posting, Joan and ZiXuan sitting in Charel's group ((:
-----------------------------------------end of pictures ------------------------------------------------------
hi my dear classmates!
how are you everyone?
schooling is busy uh?
i think so, 'cus nobody
got the time to post the pictures -.-
i've posted the pictures, and all are taken from Mr Gomez's
facebook account.
if there are more pictures please upload too =]
sorry if the pictures are small, i've uploaded all thru photobucket and thta's why.
blogger cannot upload, always need me waste my time edit then upload one -.-
nevermind, as long as my friends all love to see the pictures uh? :D
haha;lala, enough of my crabs XP

Jeez ; - ! (L) Xenna.KST = Abbie :D
Saturday, July 25, 2009 @ 2:50 PM

Jeez, got the Racial Harmony photos,
but Blogger doesnt want them to be up on blog ):
So sad..

When I have time then upload bah :D

Mommy took my lappy T_T.
So sad ~ :P

Bleah, kkay, gtg now (: byebye :D

Ying Xuan is sick =[
Friday, July 24, 2009 @ 1:10 PM

hiie my dear classmates =]
im sick ok, so sad, am having MC
for two weeks. so update class blog
on homeworks ok. i need to know.
wishes all to do well for oral and LC.
wil be coming back by 6/07/09.
so see you all by then :/
bye bye :D

Eleaner Toh Yi Xin :D/ Ying Xuan
Friday, July 17, 2009 @ 6:12 PM

teachers out there!!!
i wanna complain...
i don't know what to complain actually ==
but is mr gomez sick anyway?
he didn't come to school for two days already.
sad, but at least we got releave teacher -.-
anw, i tink i need to relearn my volume already ==
i tink if i don't practice, i am gonna fail lorh :X
teacher opening class on fridays evening
from 5-6 pm for science.
gonna play floorbal or hockey after th supplementary(idk how to spell XD)
but its optional.
so wishes all to go lah.
'cus its beneficial . ok?
haha, yingxuan logging off le ;D

-- Abbie's editing this post,

Get well soon cher,
though its half a lie,
half true,
hated it when you make jokes,
yet I took it as real.
it aint very funny.
everytime 50,
everytime 60,
Tired of doing those,
you think I really like doing those?
By doing those our legs would get pain,
you knew it that we would,
bt we didnt tell you tht it hurts..
By saying the truth,
whnever its 100,
i'll do 50,
if its 50,
i'll do 25,
by diving them by two ..

Bt well,
just wish that you'll get well soon,
its btr thn tht Mr Tank or whtever..


----------------------------Ying Xuan edit post agn ==
its Mr Tang =]

Our blogs dead man!!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 @ 8:13 PM

So many remedial, supplementary, workshop
later our brain burst already=.="
too many remedial supplementary workshops that
we cant even post or even tag O_O
Ending this short post now

Sunday, July 12, 2009 @ 6:33 PM

you all do HW already??
I haven't can't find my school bag O_O
Just moved to this new house
so cant do homework...
Looks abit like hotel...
The ceiling so high....My cabinet so big >:}
Our blog is really dead...
so tired =.="

@ 3:41 PM

Sorry for the singlish, bt hah O:
our blog's dead, ):
Whtever :D
Updating short post
& bye O:

- Abbie ;

Hello & bye.
Sunday, July 5, 2009 @ 1:14 PM

HEYHEY! Abbie's posting O:
Im back alive agn! LOL.
Let's see,
the tagboard's dead, and yeah its dead.
Noticed tht our class like Family :B
All connected one, HAHA.
Except some x_x psps.
Charel my sis,
Yingxuan my girl,
which is equal to,
jarrod, gilbert, junyan, kelvin my nephew. O:
vannessa uh, nt my niece.
Bt my xingan :B LOL.
I want nuer&erzi x_x
Its like I odd-one out T_T.
I dont think so :B
Cause Im using comp & I haven done homework yet ):
Later gonna do it uh!
So tooodle O:

Saturday, July 4, 2009 @ 10:39 AM

don't say im not posting ok :X
watever, it a long weekend tis week ok
i bet everyone is tired after our
first week of term3 is over, as
i am, i slept at 10 yesterday ok, damn tired i tel you -.-
just a reminder to my dear classmates, takecare and sleep
well everyday, cus you
cannot fall sick at this point of time.
PSLE is comming and you cannot afford to fall sick ok.
joan says she wan to have high fever but don't
wan to have H1N1 -.-
but she would be in the risk of having H1N1 lah.
cus don't hav good health, idk how to
elaborate luh ==
my english not that good ok,
ending th post liaos, byes =]

Hello & bye :B
Friday, July 3, 2009 @ 8:31 PM

Hello 6per(:
I knw thrs alot of complains bout Ms Choo(:
And yeahhh,
I hate it too -.-
When Kelvin was just saying tht (donno wht alr) , ps forgotten.
She said dont anyhow accuse her class.
Okay uh.
Thn today, she accused us.
We didn't even move the books luh.

Anw, buck up on our studies kay!
Prelims coming up soon(:
The 9th week,

Yipeee, Monday no school.
Everyone happy right?
Im sure :B
But those nt happy is tht at home nth to do.
Thn revise or find something to do? :D

- P/s.
Maybe some of you are wondering why my blog privated,
who are invited?
Who can read it?
Nahh, nbdy.
This is the tempo blog.
I mean thrs only a tagboard.
I want tag @_@
So let people tag, LOL :B
Jk luh, feel free to tag.
I also dk why put one tagboard thr.
Wanted to, so..
Tag uh! :B

Will put my blog back to un-private, just let me cont. thinking kay?
Like wei jie said,
let natural take its place.

Or whtever it is,
Ive forgotten the phrase alr :x

Byes 6per♥