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Thursday, February 12, 2009 @ 9:38 PM

Ying Xuan here =)
wont b uploading pictures...sry!
but wil b leting everyone c
wat Mr Gomez wrote abt us on his elearn blogg :

P6 Persistence is a sport teacher’s dream class but an academic teacher’s nightmare! True? Maybe not!

Firstly, they are good at sport and very active. As a result they need to be actively engaged. They need lots of group work and chances to discuss. The class produces lots of noise. I hope that it is ‘working noise’.

Naturally, there are all sorts of characters in the class. There is Symdeen, the Indian boy, who is extremely talented in Floorball. But, has difficulty getting his homework done! Argh! There is Joan, the speedy Floorballer who excels in her studies too. Grace is a little lost sometimes. Kerwin is smart but mischievious. He receives some love letters gladly. Jarrod is a boy that balances his work and play well. He is well disciplined and speaks well. Arjay needs to work on his Mathematics. He is articulate and able to speak his mind. Bernice is tall and very straightforward. She tells it as it is! Charel loves to ‘Cheong’ - that is - do things at full speed. Sometimes she needs to slowdown and ’stop, think, do’! Zi Zuan is atheletic but soft. Kelvin is good at Mathematics and has a good friend in 6 Innovation. Desmond is cooperative and friendly. I taught his cousin at Xishan 13 years ago! Kai Kiat is a talented sportsmen. Pity he didn’t join Floorball. Abbie has a wide range of vocabulary. Some good words and some ‘bad’ words! Kwan Liang is known as Mr Lee Kwan Yew. I hope that he will become a Prime Minister! Gilbert is a small chilli padi. He is enthusiastic and game. Tai Jian is the Mathematics expert. I hope that he will get an A* for Maths. Lucille is the tall lanky lass of mixed parentage. She has Punjabi and Filipino blood. Lyni is the cute little girl that plays a mean game of Floorball. She needs to work hard on her Mathematics. Syami is the school’s Floorball captain. Commanding on the court but needs to study hard this year for his PSLE. Aqil is quite expressive but needs to be more hardworking or else … Nizam is the class joker. He likes to do ‘up and downs’. He is our top scorer in the National Schools’ Floorball competition. Nathalie is a pleasant and sweet girl. She is soft spoken and courteous. Danielle is kind and hardworking. She can be depended on. Ying Rui is a tough cookie! She is as hard as nails! Really good Floorball defender. Sarah is the quiet and soft spoken girl who is extremely talented in sport. She needs to be a little more agressive! Grrrr. Gigi is a great leader. She is very dependable and responsible. She plays good Floorball too. Tough and rough defender. Beware Gigi may hurt you!!! Jun Yan is quite mature for his age. He speaks up. Wei Jie is a joker, but we all like him! Xuan Liang is easily distracted or should I say attracted! Ying Xuan is maturing very fast. What can I say about her hair style? Drives me crazy! Vannesa is a smiley girl with a not so smiley temper! She is smart and determined. Vivian is a good goalkeeper. She is very particular about smell! Especially her Goalkeeping equipment. She bought her own set! Yang Nan is a very simple and nice girl. She is a little shy but is beginning to open up. And Mr.Gomez, our form teacher is …

and of cos iie knw, he spelled wrongly for zi xuan's name,