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Tuesday, September 1, 2009 @ 1:56 PM

This was what I said ;
I can track down who wrote it (: So I dont mind x-x Well, thanks for the post, and I know Im neglecting some out of the ideas, the stuffs, and we're loosing our team spirit, our united class, just because something bad happened to somebody, everyone started to dislike that single person, Well, thats all for now, take care my classmates (L).

And this was what Yingxuan said ;
pls luh. united class doesn't means that without anyone in the family tree means not united liao ok. we are united as we are, without the family tree in our class we are still united right? think back about th past people, when we did not have any family tree, aren't we atill as united? we do things together wat. i know some of you who are not in the family tree are upset about it. but in class, with or without family tree(s) isn't so important, as long as we work together, play together and study hard together, there is no such thing as we dun deserve th word united for our class. no offence anw.

And now, this will what I'll say.
Times we've been together wont be forgotten, those helps we've helped others, and received from others, as long as we're helping, being together, whether if its for a period of time or for permenantly. (ps, dont know how to spell). We'll help when we're supposed to. Those sabos, I dont like them, cause its their own problem, if they got anything in trouble, and dont wish to change, I have no words to say anymore, so I'll just let them be. Those who really like to sabo, hopefully you will get your retribution. I mean, for th best yeah. We're united, in our hearts, we will always be united, no matter if we're together forever or not, we're still a class once. So, I dont wish that all these will start a fight again.

Short post for here, I've changed my linksphere, obviously I looks ugly, hoho.

Ending here,
toodles for now.

; Xenna ` Abbie.
